The Benefits Of Automated and Integrated Contract Management
Contract management has a reputation for being ‘unsexy’. SaaS solutions, the cloud, optimised planning and scheduling, and mobility in the field all seem more exciting to talk about.
Contract management has a reputation for being ‘unsexy’. SaaS solutions, the cloud, optimised planning and scheduling, and mobility in the field all seem more exciting to talk about.
Technology is taking over the office. That much we know. Most of what goes on in the office of the future is likely to be digitised. Where does that leave printing and paper? Probably not where you think…The Trend Towards Less Paper In The Office
Acquisitions are a clear route to business growth in any vertical. In office print, they’ve become necessary for survival.
The future of field service management is happening right before our eyes, and it’s being led by the Internet of Things.
In an industry that is already undergoing rapid change, a shift in influence is occurring. Traditionally printer/copier manufacturers were the biggest influencers in the market, having the deepest relationship with most end-user organisations.
Managed Print Service (MPS) solutions are smarter and more comprehensive than ever before. They offer cloud-based connectivity, key process automation, just-in-time ordering and end-to-end supply chain management — and plenty more besides.
For over 30 years, Evatic has been a hugely successful solution, delivering a flexible, multi-functional service management system to customers across Europe. But today marks a truly historic moment in Evatic’s continued evolution.
To kick off the first in a series of articles, we caught up with Heidi Luoma from our Nordic customer support team. In this Q&A she provides an insight into what it’s like to work at Asolvi and explains how to take full advantage of our free support.
Developing and adapting a typical integration has historically taken between 200 and 400 hours, which represents not only significant time, but also substantial cost. “At Asolvi, we understand the importance of integrations and have been looking for ways to develop them more efficiently” states Bjorn Gresseth, Technical Director at Asolvi Nordics.
In today’s fast-paced world, time is money, and efficiency is everything. That’s why we’ve partnered with industry leaders like Wint, DATEV eG, Salesforce, Princity, ServiceNow, and Ingram Micro to offer you powerful integrations that streamline your operations, automate key processes, and equip your business with the tools it needs to excel. Here’s How These Integrations Will Power Up Your Business: Integrating your field service management software with other critical business tools…