Our customer is happy, and we are happy!

Asolvi made it easy and straight-forward for an Evatic customer to create and control Managed Service Packages in an Evatic subscription contract.

One of our Evatic customers from Mannheim, Germany, recently asked me if there was a way to create Managed Service Packages in a sales project that’s sold to customers as a subscription contract.

Our customer’s Managed Service Packages contain software licenses, services and consulting, hardware, and other IT components. These are sold as monthly or quarterly subscription contracts with monthly or quarterly invoicing. We have seen a lot of movement in the Office Print Equipment industry towards more IT Services-related business, and selling Managed Services in this way is one of them.

The basis for the solution has actually been available in Evatic since 2020 when we developed IT service management functionality and subscription contracts in the software. The remainder of the functionality was achieved with just consultancy from Asolvi — and with no further Evatic development necessary.

Evatic was initially designed to set up and configure processes with automated workflows and triggers. This meant that Evatic’s already broad and sophisticated functionality was the best fit for the customer. We’ve often shown that this is possible in our best practice webinar sessions, so it’s exciting to see it being used so successfully in the real world.

It’s now easy for our Mannheim customer to create a sales project with all the Managed Service components. With just one click, he can generate a contract with specified templates, and automatically create purchase orders for software licenses, components, and hardware — and create a service project for services and consultancy.

I asked the customer about the value that had been delivered by using Evatic in this way. He answered immediately that Evatic has saved him at least 25 minutes per project and that the automated billing of the Managed Service Package contracts is a blessing.

The Evatic dashboards created with Microsoft Power BI tools will also give him an insightful and highly beneficial overview of the profitability and performance of his Managed Services offering.

As we said at the start: Our customer is happy, and we are happy!

– Rene Musch, Sales Director, Evatic

Interested in this topic or in Evatic by Asolvi? Contact us today to learn more.

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